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Breast implants. Over or Under the muscle?

Breast augmentation

Over-the-muscle implants are placed directly above the chest muscle (Pectoralis major muscle) and are often referred to as subglandular implants. Under-the-muscle implants, on the other hand, are placed beneath the chest muscle and are known as submuscular or subpectoral implants.

Over the Muscle Breast Implants

Breast implants placed over the muscle (also known as subglandular or subfascial implants) go above the pectoral muscle and below the breast tissue. While there is a higher risk of capsular contracture, this placement keeps the implants from flattening out and moving laterally when the chest muscles are flexed. There will also be much less movement of the implants during physical activity. Patients whose natural breasts are sagging a bit may also prefer this placement because it will appear to lift the breast. For years to come, this type of placement will continue looking natural because it will allow the implants to naturally descend downward as the breasts age. Although it is a short-term benefit, recovery from over the muscle implants is typically quicker and less uncomfortable.

Under the Muscle Breast Implants

Breast implants placed under the muscle are ideal for offering a more natural breast contour, especially in extremely thin patients or those who do not have a lot of breast tissue. If saline implants are chosen, these should always be placed below the muscle to prevent rippling in the cleavage line. Although this type of placement typically does look more natural, it does have some drawbacks. Implants placed under the muscle can become distorted or flattened when chest muscles flex extremely and the implants may become displaced over time, although this is exceedingly rare. There can be more discomfort during recovery, but this is a short-term issue.


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