If you are considering plastic surgery, you have some decisions to make. While many people spend a lot of time thinking about the procedure and the potential results, there is something much more important to consider. That is the choice of the right plastic surgeon. Not every physician is qualified or experienced in every procedure and choosing the right plastic surgeon isn't as simple as getting a referral. Referrals and internet research can give you a place to start but as a potential plastic surgery patient, you have a lot at stake – your safety and your appearance. You need to carefully evaluate the surgeon before you make the choice.Experience In addition to the right training and education, your physician should have experience performing the type of surgery you are considering. Some surgeons specialize in particular procedures, and your procedure type should be in his "top three." A good rule of thumb is that he or she should have performed this type of procedure once or more per week for five years or more. Plastic surgery is a complex art and the surgeon needs to stay in practice. Having done a number of procedures over a number of years will help ensure that he or she has the skills that you need. Exceptional Results When most people think about plastic surgery – they think about the results they hope to get but not every plastic surgery story ends well. If you have ensured that your potential surgeon has the expertise and experience, you are on your way to choosing the right doctor but he or she also needs to produce exceptional results. Most plastic surgeons keep a file of "before and after" pictures which you should examine. Make sure these include at least two examples of "after" photos taken a year or more post-surgery.
You want the plastic surgeon you choose to be better than good; he or she should be great – a proven expert. When making this critical choice, you should ask yourself a few questions... Does my surgeon have the expertise required to safely perform the surgical procedure? Does the physician have the experience with this type of procedure? Has he or she produced exceptional results for other patients on a regular basis? If the surgeon you are evaluating has all three qualities, you may have a winner.