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Breast Surgeries
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in Cyprus and worldwide. The most important reason for a woman to undergo augmentation is the size of the breast and lack of volume.
All implants now come with a lifetime warranty that you get on discharge. This procedure is a day time surgery and the actual procedure is approx 1 1/2 hours.
Special offer for 2019....3100 euros only. Includes everything from pre operation bloods to first post surgery bra.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery (Sometimes referred to as Mammoplasty) is a Plastic Surgery Procedure to reduce the size of large, big breasts for those who wish to feel more comfortable and achieve more desirable body proportions. Breast size is not the only concern when carrying out Breast Reduction Surgery, at Cyprus SunMed Plastic Surgery our 20 years of breast surgery expertise ensures that you achieve the breast shape and size you desire in a safe, comfortable procedure while minimising surgical scars as much as possible.
Breast uplift
The breast uplift, also known as mastopexy, is a procedure that lifts and reshapes the breasts to give a more pert appearance. Whilst the size of the breasts may not be a problem the breasts may have lost their volume and tone. This procedure is often combined with an enlargement or reduction operation.
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